Discover all the curiosities about Christ the Redeemer, since its conception until the present days, that nobody has ever told you before and you could not even imagine.
Father Pierre-Marie Boss was the first to have the idea of building a religious monument on top of Mount Corcovado. He left his dream recorded in a poem in the prologue of the 1903 edition of the book "Imitation of Christ":
"Oh Corcovado: there stands the stone giant, craggy, towering and sad, as if questioning the immense horizon: -" When will you come? For centuries I hope. Yes, here is the unique pedestal in the world. When will the statue, as I colossal - image of the one who made me "?
On Christ the Redeemer it is possible to see a discrete heart, which is a stylized image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Measuring 1.30m, is the only part of the Monument, coated soapstone, that is projected into the building. Through this symbol, on opening day, all of Brazil was consecrated to the Sacred Heart (of Jesus).
Inside of it, master engineer Heitor Levy and fiscal engineer Pedro Fernandes Viana put a glass phial containing a parchment with the genealogy of both families, as a demonstration of faith and gratitude.
In 1922, more than twenty thousand women, led by writer Laurita Lacerda, presented a petition to President Epitácio Pessoa, asking permission for the construction of the Monument.
Conceived in the centennial celebrations of our independence, the Monument to Christ the Redeemer was built entirely with donations from the Brazilian people. During the execution of the works, in 1929, a second fundraising campaign, which received more than 500 contos, was performed.
Living on top of Corcovado
During construction, from 1926 to 1931, the master engineer Heitor Levy lived on top of Corcovado. The pedestal of the Monument served as an advanced office, since he needed to consult the plants all the time.
History records that during this period, although no serious accident happened, Heitor Levy escaped unharmed from a fall that would be fatal. Because of this incident, he, of Jewish creed, converted to Catholicism.
Distinguished visitors
Since its inauguration, the Monument has received visits from distinguished persons: Pope John Paul II, the Dalai Lama, Princess Diana, Prince Charles and the United States President, Barack Obama, with his family, all have been on top of Corcovado.
2.500 contos
At the time it was built, Christ the Redeemer cost 2.500 contos, which would amount to approximately R$ 9.5 million. The low cost was due to the reinforced concrete used in the construction. The Statue of Liberty, which has metal frame, came out on 60 000 contos - the equivalent of R$ 228 million. Besides the low cost and the efficiency, the choice for the reinforced concrete was due to fear that a metal frame could be removed in a war effort.
Being on top of Corcovado, the Monument was designed to withstand winds of up to 250km / h - four times higher than the average recorded at the time of its construction. He even withstands the winds of a Category 5 hurricane, like Hurricane Katrina, which hit the USA in 2005.
Inside the Christ
The interior of the Monument, which is used only by its maintenance team, consists of 12 plateaus connected by staircases, forming floors that lead to caps, which open in the arms and head of the Christ.
With a height of 38m, 30 of the Monument and 8 of the pedestal, the statue of Christ the Redeemer is equivalent to a 13 story building. Each arm has an area of 88m², the head weighs 30 tons and measures 1.35m foot. If it were to wear sandals, they would have to be size 530.
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