Product licensing
Whoever looks at Corcovado hill today cannot even imagine it without the image of Christ the Redeemer fixed on its top. The monument, a symbol of Christianity, was inaugurated on October 12, 1931, after 5 years of work, and has become one of the most internationally known icons of Brazil.
First of all, we need to clarify a doubt that many people and entrepreneurs have regarding the intellectual property of Christ the Redeemer. After all, who does Christ the Redeemer belong to? Does he have an owner?
The answer to that question is yes! Christ the Redeemer belongs to the Archdiocese of "São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro".
Let's know a little more about the story to understand it better:
In 1926, the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro began the construction of Christ the Redeemer, on its own land, in Alto do Corcovado, received through a letter of approval and, subsequently, cession of use of the Union.
At the time of construction, the Archdiocese held a competition to choose the monument's design and hired engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, author of the winning project. Through public deed, all the author's patrimonial rights were assigned to the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro, including his collaborator, the French statuist Paul Landowsky, who modeled the project's model.
It is worth mentioning that all the cost for the construction of the monument occurred through a large donation campaign that the Archdiocese itself carried out among Catholics from all over Brazil at the time. No public resources were used in the construction
The importance of taking care of the product licensing part of Christ the Redeemer:
In the late 1990s, questions about the ownership of Christ the Redeemer's copyright began to appear. At that time, the fanciful story was heard that Christ would be a gift from the French Government to Brazil and even that it would have been built in France and brought to Rio de Janeiro in pieces.
Even though it was completely improbable, the fanciful story spread and even reached textbooks, having been taught in schools for years that Christ the Redeemer was a gift from France. This misinformation took the imagination of many people and that is why, even today, many still have doubts about the theme.
The Legal Department of “ Mitra Arquiepiscopal do Rio de Janeiro”, a legal entity of the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro, urged to comment on the ownership of the Christ the Redeemer's copyright has done extensive research in its historical archives, locating originals of precious and clarifying documents about the careful process that involved all the planning, contracts, fundraising and construction of the most important monument in the city of Rio de Janeiro. These documents are available for consultation.
Licensing goes far beyond a legal issue:
In addition to all the legal issues surrounding the intellectual property of Christ the Redeemer, it is necessary to clarify that the structural maintenance of the Sanctuary, as well as all of its human material that involves its operation, is funded exclusively by the Archdiocese, through sponsorship and donation contracts. The payment of royalties from product licensing is of fundamental importance for obtaining funds for the maintenance of the Christ the Redeemer Sanctuary.
The Christ who opens his arms to culture, the social and sustainability:
Since the occasion of his 80th birthday, Christ the Redeemer supports and assists several social, cultural and environmental actions through his sector “Cristo Sustentável”. Through this initiative, hundreds of families in situations of social vulnerability have already benefited and several institutions have our permanent support.
The payment of royalties through product licensing also contributes to the maintenance of these projects. This particularity gives value to the product, which is already so involved in the issue of social responsibility.
So, bring your idea of the official product of Christ the Redeemer!
All products with the image of the monument and / or Sanctuary Cristo Redentor must be licensed to use the image.
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