
The Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer is the first sanctuary under the open sky in the world! National symbol of Christian sentiments in the country, it is originally a sacred space that had great participation of the faithful and commitment of the population of Rio de Janeiro for its construction.
To Corcovado - the hill on which it is situated, where we contemplate the natural beauty of the Tijuca National Park, and where we have a privileged view of the Marvelous City - flock people from all over the world with spiritual needs. The Christ of soapstone welcomes them with open arms, so that his real presence in body and blood, soul and divinity, living in the Chapel of Our Lady of Aparecida, can touch their hearts.
Place of worship, evangelization, charity, culture, ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, pilgrimage and ecology, it offers, in its religious activities, in a more abundant way, the means of salvation to men.
Place of Worship
Catholic doctrine teaches us that the model of every sanctuary is the risen Christ. Therefore, the Church gathers in the Sanctuary of Corcovado, as it once gathered around Jesus himself. More than representing his image, the monument carries the real presence of the Redeemer, fruit of his permanence in the consecrated host in the tabernacle of the monument, and of the liturgical celebration of the seven sacraments - Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Orders and Matrimony.
Thus, the Sanctuary offers more abundantly the means of salvation to men, through the sacraments of the Church, celebrated in it with more or less frequency, according to the possibilities and needs of the faithful.
Place of Evangelization
Pope John Paul II, in his first encyclical, "The Redeemer of Man" invited the Church to accomplish a "dialogue of salvation" with mankind. This happens wonderfully on Christ the Redeemer. The Monument, with all its symbolism, leads to evangelization not only to those who go to Corcovado, but anywhere its image reaches. Thus, the Sanctuary of Corcovado is a true "theological place", where God speaks to men, and men speak to God.
Place of Pilgrimage
The pilgrimage is a characteristic expression of popular piety, directly linked to the sanctuary, being an indispensable element to its existence: the pilgrim needs the sanctuary as the sanctuary needs the pilgrim. At the Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer, where tourism joins the pity, visitors are naturally driven to prayer.
Properly scheduled pilgrimages are exempt from payment, as well as priests and religious properly identified.
The Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro receives no value for carriage of passengers, and neither charges for the entrance in the Sanctuary.
Place of Charity
In the Sanctuary of Corcovado, people understand each other, despite the different languages, because they speak the same language of love. This is the action of the Holy Spirit on the hill, where we clearly notice the "mighty wind" of Pentecost (Acts 2.2). In the Eucharist, celebrated daily in Monument, love of God and love of neighbor are truly united. Every Sanctuary, while celebrating the presence of the Lord, is a fireplace that radiates the light and the warmth of charity.
Place of Culture
The Monument to Christ the Redeemer is a cultural asset, manifestation of the faith and the history of the Brazilian people. More than that, by the perfect union between nature and architecture, Christ the Redeemer was named one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World Modern ", a cultural heritage of all mankind.
Several music events, sporting and social campaigns have Christ the Redeemer as its symbol, which highlights each initiative with special illuminations. The activity of the Sanctuary, thus, appears as an effort for human promotion, besides its primary function towards the divine worship.
Place of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue
During the process of conception of the idea, the Corcovado Monument was object of religious and political differences, involving catholic and protestant Christians. Fortunately, when it comes to the monument, this time of controversy has passed. Today, the Sanctuary of Corcovado is a place where one lives the ecumenical dialogue, in search of unity among Christians.
The Sanctuary of Corcovado is also frequented by non-Christians, attracted by the beauty of the place and the values of Christianity. With respect for other faiths, according to the principle of religious freedom, the Sanctuary is a place of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, fundamental to the contemporary world.
Place of Ecology
Inserted in the largest urban forest of the world, the Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer is a place of ecology. The Monument is perfectly adapted to the natural conditions of Mount Corcovado and of the Tijuca Forest. The proportions are perfect, so that the statue seems as an extension of the mountain. Even the architectural improvements, such as the construction of elevators and escalators, sought to preserve and adapt to the green, for nature is also part of the sacred.
Chapel of Our Lady of Aparecida
Although the simple heart on the chest of the Monument expresses the love of God to the observer, the Chapel of Our Lady of Aparecida is the true heart of Christ the Redeemer: in it is preserved the Eucharist – the real Presence of Jesus in body and blood, soul and divinity. It is a heart of flesh, that vivifies the statue of stone, watching tirelessly for mankind, with the intercession of the Mother of God.